Why Consider Apprenticeships?

  • Employer driven apprenticeships have a higher return on investment than traditional hiring.
  • Apprentices directly address the skills gaps between training and practical application and earn CYSA+ Certification.
  • Customized apprenticeships provide an opportunity to increase diversity in your team.
Get Started

850+ Employers

More than 850 employers have hired Per Scholas technologists.

Ongoing Support

Per Scholas supports technologists in their new roles after they are hired, building toward success, and generating higher staff retention.

Proven ROI

For every $1 invested in an apprenticeship program, organizations realize an average return of $1.47.

What is an Earn and Learn Apprenticeship?

  • In an Earn and Learn model apprentices receive a paycheck from day one, so they earn wages while they learn on the job.
  • Proven model to help job seekers immediately start working and increase skills and earnings.
  • Effective strategy to close skill gaps and reduce turnover.
  • More than 500,000 apprentices participate in Registered Apprenticeship programs across the country.

Software & Platforms

With 400+ hours of training, our Cybersecurity apprentices have experience with the tools that power your business.

  • Windows Server
  • Bash Scripting
  • IPV4 & IPV6
  • DNS & DHCP
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Apache HTTP Server
  • OPNsense Firewall
  • Wireshark
  • Cisco IOS
  • Oracle VirtualBox

Cybersecurity Apprenticeships Help Fill Talent Gaps

Cyber threats are increasing daily, but finding skilled cyber talent is difficult. With the cyber workforce shortage, businesses need to start getting creative to recruit and train cyber workers. “Registered apprenticeships do not have to be bureaucratic nightmares just because they are more structured,” Alanna Hughes, Senior VP of Strategy and Innovation at Per Scholas. “We make it easier on the employer to take advantage of the perks by managing the administrative pieces.”

two individuals walk down a hallway together and converse

Federal Government Recommends Skill-Based Hiring for Cyber Jobs

With the increase in cybersecurity threats, the White House is helping to find a solution for the serious need for cyber talent. The White House Office of the National Cyber Director announced organizations, including Per Scholas, committing to help build the U.S. cybersecurity workforce. With our new apprenticeship program, let Per Scholas help with your cybersecurity talent needs.

Federal Government Recommends Skill-Based Hiring for Cyber Jobs

With the increase in cybersecurity threats, the White House is helping to find a solution for the serious need for cyber talent. The White House Office of the National Cyber Director announced organizations, including Per Scholas, committing to help build the U.S. cybersecurity workforce. With our new apprenticeship program, let Per Scholas help with your cybersecurity talent needs.

Start by having a conversation with our apprenticeship experts.

Connect with us to address your tech talent needs today.

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